Thursday, February 14, 2008

Ten Years Ago...
I was pregnant with #3, our first girl, living in our first house that wasn't owned by Hubby's parents. I was a stay at home mommy of two adoreable little boys. Life was sooooo simple! Oh I sometimes wish for those days!
5 Things on my To Do List...
*Pay off the rest of our debt with the money we just made selling our business.
*File our taxes for this year so I can get a nice return and buy a front loader washer and dryer and a deep freeze, and put in new windows and doors in my whole house. Yes my refund is substantial.
*Get to work...I need to put in atleast 5 hours today. Even if I do have a bit of Vertigo today.
*Clean my filthy house. It is a wreck because Tuesday Hubby and I went to the Temple all evening and the kids trashed it and last night we made valentines ALL NIGHT LONG. (Six kids with each of their classes means lots of valentines to be made!)
5 Things I would do if I where a millionaire...
*Pay off this house and buy a bigger one
*Help my family
*Start a charity for abused women and children
*Take my kids to see the world
*Donate to the Perpetual Education Fund
3 Bad Habits I have...
*Procrastination, although at work I don't do this at all. What is wrong with me at home?
*Eat poorly, I am a junk food junky.
*I don't excercise.
5 Places I have lived...
*Norfolk Virginia, although I don't remember it I was a tiny baby
*Las Vegas, Nevada, I wish I remembered more of this. I want to remember if I ever ran into my husband at school when we were little.
*Page, Arizona, The place I consider my home town. I love that litle town.
*Prescott, Arizona, I include Prescott Valley, Chino Valley and Dewey in that, too.
*Pocatello, Idaho, the place that is now my home. I LOVE it here.
(What is it with the P's?)
5 Places I have worked
*Farmers first job that wasn't babysitting!
*McDonalds...for about 4 months on Saturday's only
*A wholesale C-Store Distribution Company, the best job I could ever have being a mommy. They are so flexible, love the family that owns the company.
Some Things Most People Don't Know About Me...
*I am afraid of the dark and the quiet of the night, I sleep with the TV on all night, crazy I know.
*I am becoming quite the expert on Microsoft Excel
*I hate having to talk to people I don't know
*I have a secret crush on the greatest guy. He is strong, gentle, handsome, patient, quiet,spiritual...the man? My husband!
I have no one to tag!!! Don't have that many friends that Blog.