It has been a while since I have posted anything. I have to admit my favorite thing lately has been reading other peoples blogs. I have found lots of old friends. I have truly enjoyed reading about all the people I have fond memories of.
I found some very fun posts to read but nothing has really inspired me to write anything fantastic lately. So I have decided to just do some updating about my family and our very busy life.
First, I am so glad that school is over in 2 days and baseball is over in 2 weeks. I do not do very well at baseball games in the cold with 5 kids that are not playing the game but running crazy. I would rather go to watch #1 and #2 by myself so that I can actually see when #1 pitches a no hitter or #2 catches the pop fly. I will take some pictures of them playing baseball this week and post them soon.
#4 is going to be baptized this Saturday, it is hard to believe that child number four is old enough to be baptized. I am feeling old. He is very excited, I think, he kind of played dumb in his interview with the Bishop.
#1 graduated from 6th grade today. I am a slacker mom though and didn't get any pictures of the even. The batteries are dead in the camera and I cannot remember, on my multiple trips to the store every week, to get batteries. I really think it is silly to have a graduation ceremony from 6th grade though. It has been a challenging year for him and we are both grateful it is over.
#5 graduates from kindergarten tomorrow. It is hard to believe teeny tiny little #5 is going to be a first grader next year. She is still so small, she hasn't even hit 35 pounds yet. Maybe by September she will hit the magical 35!
#6 had a little graduation ceremony last week from her second year of preschool. (She still has another year to go) It was very cute and she hammed it up quite well on the stage, blowing kisses and grinning from ear to ear. I really don't know where she gets it from, honest!
I have had a really rough couple of weeks and am finally feeling better. The day after Mother's Day (and my birthday) I finally went to the dentist for a much needed exam and cleaning. Well, since it has been a very long time since I had anything done to my teeth there was a lot of work to do. Being the tough woman that I am I decided to get the work done in to visits, one for the left side and one for the right. I had a root canal and some fillings done on the left side that went really well. The right side, however, proved to be a lot worse. I ended up having a filling put in my wisdom tooth that the dentist didn't want to pull. Little did he know, the tooth was abscessed. My x-rays did not show that. Well when he put the filling in the drainage that had been coming out of the filling now had no where to face ended up very swollen. The grossest part was when the abscess actually burst in my mouth....can you say GROSS!!! Needless to say I was in the next day getting the tooth pulled anyway. And Yes, I am feeling much better.
Hubby is in his 3rd section of classes. He is doing very well. It is quite a challenge going to school and trying to help support our very large brood. I am so very proud of him and all he is doing.
My biggest project right now is our garden. So far it is going great, I will post about that later, with pictures, of course. This project has been very rewarding!