Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween Fun?????

I am so frustrated. I was so excited to do fun Halloween things today. I was going to make cookies for Duckling #4's class party. I was going to continue cleaing up for our new floor. I had soooo many plans for today. Alas, is was not to be. I woke up this morning hardly able to move. I had moved wrong during the night and had hurt my neck. It was no fun. I spent the whole morning almost in tears. I am taking it easy for the rest of the day. Folding laundry and enjoying staying home. I am grateful that on days like today when I don't feel well I can stay home and not feel guilty for calling in sick. I don't have to worry about the money lost from a day of lost work. What a blessing. I will try to remember to not be frustrated and to count my blessings no matter what happens.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Tag...I am IT!!!

Five names you go by:

1. Melissa

2. Missy

3. Mel

4. Mom

5. Dear

Three things you are wearing right now:

1. jeans

2. Striped Shirt

3. Crocs

Two things you want very badly at the moment:

1. For the kids to go to sleep

2. For my husband to be home from work

Two people who will probably fill this out:

1. Anyone???

2. You!

Two things you did last night:

1. Went to the ward Halloween Party

2. folded laundry

Two things you ate in the last 24 hours:

1. Ice Cream

2. Popcorn

Two people you last talked to on the phone:

1. Julie

2. Rob Love

Two things you are going to do tomorrow:

1. Clean and Pack up House for new Flooring!!!

2. Achievement Days, We are making Capri Sun Scripture Bags!

Two longest cars rides this year

l. Pocatello to Page

2. Phoenix to Pocatello

Two of your favorite beverages:

1. Caffiene free Diet Coke with Vanilla

2. Fresh apple juice

I Tag Christina and Tiffany!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Zillions of Blessings!

I am feeling so blessed tonight. For two months since I turned in my notice at work I have prayed that the Lord would provide for us. That somehow, through Him, we would be able to make it with me quitting my job. I have not worked for extra money. I have worked to survive. We have been waiting for a promotion for Hubby that has been promised but not given for over a year now. He was made the assistant warehouse manager in July of 2006. We thought he would be in that position for about a year. It has been over 2 and it doesn't look like things are going to change anytime soon.
Sorry, a little side note there. Anyway...I knew I needed to come home and be with my family after our second visit from child protective services and issues with the babysitting situation. I didn't know what we would do. Today was my last day at work. I left on good terms. My boss said he would definitely rehire me when I am ready to come back to work. He also said that he would call me to do some consulting work and it may be as soon as next month! I told him I would do anything as long as I could do it at home...I had to quite because he wouldn't let me work at home before! What a blessing. Hubby had been resetting the freezer in the warehouse all day. When he was done. He came home with a boat load of food that couldn't be sold, either because it was out of code or damaged packaging! Another Blessing!
Flash back to Wednesday night. It was the open house before the opening of Costco here in town. I had gone with some girlfriends to take a look around and eat some free food. I love Costco and have missed it soooooo much since moving to Pocatello. The one thing I love is the cakes! Their bakery makes the best and the cheapest cakes. We used to order one for every birthday. I had planned to come back the next day to order a cake for Duckling #6's birthday this week. The next day I was getting ready to go back to Costco and the Spirit told me not to go. I thought about the fact that I was quitting my job and really didn't have the money to do it. I figured I could just make a cake at home...Back to this evening. After Hubby brought out the boat load of food he went back into the building to go get more. The more was what the real blessing was....Two count them One, TWO!!! Cakes from one of the owner's daughters weeding this summer! I am amazed! The Lord knew what I wanted and He provided my wants for me all because I trusted and obeyed the Spirit! I love my Heavenly Father and I know that he knows me and loves me. I am His daughter and have the right to have His blessings. Thank you Heavenly Father for loving me enough to do some thing that must seem so small to you but so HUGE to me!!!

Thursday, October 16, 2008


I am very frustrated, incase you didn't get that fron the title of this post. I have tried to be patient but at this moment I feel like exploding. Let me explain.
I got my haircut about a month ago. I love it, it is so fun and easy. I have wanted to post some pictures of it but have not wanted to take pictures of me without makeup on and clean clothes. That rarely happens.
My camera does not use a normal camera import pluggy thingy. It is a smaller one than every other camera I have had. I of course only have the one cord that came with the camera. Do you think I can find it anywhere? My husband had found it and told me where he had put it.
Well this morning I decided this would be the day that I actually got dressed all the way to make-up. Not that I don't ususally get dressed but lately make-up has been very optional in my life. Anyway so after all that work I went to get the camera. You probably won't be surprised to hear that it was not where I thought I put it. What I did find was one of my treasured wedding gifts, a Love Spoon from Whales, snapped in half and the bottom half is nowhere to be found. My Aunt and Uncle were living over there when I got married and sent that to us. I love it, I had taken it off the wall to paint and not put it back up yet. So I really hadn't noticed that it was missing. I was so mad! I questioned the kids about the Love Spoon and the camera and of course no one wants to confess. We go on a search to find the camera and it is found. So, I take some pictures of myself. After, I take the pictures I go to find the cord and find that the cord is not the right one!
During all of this the kids were supposed to be doing their chores. It came time for school and we ran out the door. In all the rucuss I did not notice that they had not finished their chores. So my house is not clean, I have to go to work all day and will get home just in time to do Achievement Days, here at the house this afternoon. Great!Alas, there will be no pictures posted yet of my haircut. My spoon will never hang in my house again. And the girls will have to see my dirty dishes and an unmopped floor.
I know life will go one, the world does not revolve around me alone. But I sure do hate it when nothing goes as I expect it because I secretly do wish the world revolved around me. That would be so much easier!

Tuesday, October 07, 2008


It seems as if time is always running away from me. I have so many things on my plate and not enough time to give each of the things or people I love my attention. This is never truer than canning season. Thank goodness it is almost over. I have some apples left and some tomatoes to make into spaghetti sauce. I will be glad when it is over but it is such a good feeling to walk into my pantry and see all of those jars beautifully filled with nutritous things that will feed my family for the coming year! I believe it was President Uchtdorf that counseled us to create something in the Relief Society Broadcast a few weeks ago. It is truly rewarding creating those gorgeous jars!
I won't be sitting on my laurels though. My next project is already in progress. After years of dealing with all the clothes that are involved in a family of our size I have decided we must change our home and how it functions. We will be remodeling the downstairs to include a family closet. The laundry room and the room currently housing my hubby and I will be changed in to one very large room that will house all of the clothing and linen in our house. I have been reading alot about "super families" (that is what families with as many kids as we have or more are called) They seem to all be doing the family closet thing. I am excited to think that childrens rooms will not be a place where clean clothes become dirty clothes before they are even worn. I am thrilled that bedrooms will be able to be played in and there will be less of the stairs or the bathrooms being used as play rooms. (Yes, I frequently find legos and hot wheels and barbies and baby dolls in the bathroom.) It is going to take alot of work to accomplish this. First, the house has to be cleaned sufficiently to be able to move Hubby and I out of the current room and into what is currently the junk/office room. The demolition and rebuild has to happen in 4 days. This will be done the weekend of Duckling #2's birthday/ordination. And then the reorganizing of all the clothes and the changing of the habits will have to begin. I know this will be a challenge but I think it will be very worth it! I will post before and after pictures later.
I didn't get to listen to as much of conference as I wanted to for a couple of reasons. My children were extra obnoxious and would not stay quiet and I was trying to can about 20 lbs of chicken and make salsa during the saturday sessions of conference. What I did hear was truly inspiring. I didn't take notes for obvious reasons but I do remember that I heard alot of counsel to live on less and be happy and content. Maybe because that is what I needed to hear. But the one talk I really loved was the talk that was by Elder Bednar (I think) he spoke about prayer. I really need to work on that so I think for the next six months until the next conference that will be my spiritual focus. I need to be praying more and not only praying but praying for the people that I love. I will let you know my progress as I work on praying better.
I am very concerned about the state of our nation. I feel that our country has been headed down a wicked road for many decades. We have forgotten what this country was founded on. The christian priciples that created our constitution are now looked at as out of date by some people in our country. On "The View" last week one of the women talked about how we are the only democratic country that still practices Christianity as it's main religion. This blows my mind! How can the founding principles that created this great country be the thing that is now holding us back? I don't think so! What holds us back is the fact that so many of us have chosen a path af great wickedness. Women are choosing not to raise children that they create, they find it easier to dispose of the consequences of their choices to have sex whenever they want. The sanctity of marriage is in trouble as state after state is trying to allow same sex marriages. Drugs and alcohol take control of so many lives. Instead of work and service and compassion we have people committing crimes to satisfy wants and addictions. Selfishness is what rules most choices. I am sooo sad for what I see when I look at our country as a whole. The economy and the Presidential election also worry me.
I see beautiful things in my own neighborhood. I see people concerned for the welfare of their neighbors. I see acts of service and kindness all around me. I see families striving to do what is right and strengthen their own homes. I see friendships and the pure love of Christ as I watch people share their abundance and help others with needs. I see beauty and when I look at these things and these people I know we will be okay.
If you have read all the way to the end of my randomness, Thank you! Please comment on my post and leave me your own thoughts on randomness. To all my friends and family who show me how beautiful life is every day, I love you.