Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween Fun?????

I am so frustrated. I was so excited to do fun Halloween things today. I was going to make cookies for Duckling #4's class party. I was going to continue cleaing up for our new floor. I had soooo many plans for today. Alas, is was not to be. I woke up this morning hardly able to move. I had moved wrong during the night and had hurt my neck. It was no fun. I spent the whole morning almost in tears. I am taking it easy for the rest of the day. Folding laundry and enjoying staying home. I am grateful that on days like today when I don't feel well I can stay home and not feel guilty for calling in sick. I don't have to worry about the money lost from a day of lost work. What a blessing. I will try to remember to not be frustrated and to count my blessings no matter what happens.


Terina said...

aww What an aweful way to start the day! Espically Halloween!!! I hope your neck gets feeling better!!

Kaycee said...

you don't know me, but I am looking at blogs in the leavitt family. so we are family some how. But I enjoyed reading your post. you sound alot like me, but I only have 2 kids!

jerolyn said...

I had to work halloween, but at least I wasn't pain(just a pain in the butt for my bosses).
I love reading your blog!

TC said...

You are my idol, not because you hurt your neck, but because even with all the pain and being almost in tears you manage to find something positive about the whole thing. You are amazing.

Trish said...

I hope you are feeling better! Neck and back pain are the worst! It's just so unpredictable and then causes such slow and painful recovery. Do update and let us know you had a great Thanksgiving!