I think the Nigh kids are some of the luckiest kids on this planet...They have the best dad around. Hubby is an absolutely wonderful father. I am so proud of him and all that he does for our family. What a blessing to have such and incredible father.
Here are a few things the Nigh kids love about their Dad:
1. He honors his Priesthood. He is always ready to give a blessing and has baptized and confirmed us.
2.He's funny. He likes to be silly and make us laugh!
3. He works hard. Not only does he have a good job but he helps out at home.
4. He does well in school. He has done so well in college, this year he has kept straight A's
5. He tries hard to choose the right. He is a very good example to us.
6. He takes us to church and teaches us the gospel.
7. He takes us to get ice cream on family night.
8. He likes to play ball with us in the street. He is always willing to throw any ball no matter what the time. Thanks for always playing with us.
9. He is very patient with us, even more patient than mom.
10. He loves us!
(This list was compiled for #4's talk in primary today by all the kids with only a little of mom's help)
As you can see, these are some pretty lucky kids. And they love their daddy so much and want him to have a happy Father's Day! Thanks Daddy!
PS I thought you might want to know that he is just as awesome of a husband as he is a father! Here are some reasons his wife thinks he is great, too!
1. He loves me no matter what. Sometimes I don't think he should have to but he does anyways.
2. He listens when I need to vent, cry, complain, bawl my eyes out, etc.
3. He is level headed and I am not!
4. He tries so hard to do what is right, even when it is not the easy thing to do.
5. He takes me on a date every week. Sometimes that is only window shopping but I love the time with him no matter what we do.
6. He is silly. He isn't afraid to act silly to make any of us laugh. He can always lighten a mood.
7. He is serious when he needs to be.
8. He doesn't get mad when I go run an errand and I don't come back for hours because I am visiting one of the neighbors. I am sorry, honey, that I like to talk...alot!
9. He has the cutest crooked smile in all the world! That smile can make me melt in an instant.
10. He loves the Lord more than he loves me. I know he will always make wise choices because of who is first in his life. His priorities are straight.
I am so lucky to have him as my husband and the father of my children. Happy Father's Day!